The Shoreham CFA supports the community of Shoreham and its surrounding district. The brigade was established in 1949 and is 100% volunteer.

The Brigade, led by Tony Wain and Alan Machin, attends fires, rescues, car accidents and assists SES with storm damage within Shoreham. It also gives and receives support from the neighbouring Balnarring, Red Hill, Main Ridge and Flinders brigades.

The Brigade also supports state wide incidents such as the Gippsland fires in 2019 and floods in north west Victoria in 2022.
We are here for the community and we are very dependent and grateful to the local community for its support. We rely on that support – as well as State Government support through the CFA and other agencies.
Here’s how you can help:
- We welcome locals who wish to volunteer to join the Operational Brigade, in Non-Operational support roles or the Auxiliary. Please contact us in the first instance.
- We also welcome donations to help us purchase equipment.
- Victoria is one of the most fire-prone areas in the world, and Shoreham has been declared an area of high bushfire risk. We rely on residents keeping their properties and road verges well maintained and having an up-to-date fire plan.

Please visit: for guidance.