Current Station (2014 – present)

The new picturesque Shoreham Fire Station, located in Byrnes Road, Shoreham (opposite the Post Office), was officially opened on 20 December, 2014.
Following the Bushfires Royal Commission, Shoreham was deemed eligible for a standard “1B” fire station – a square, shed-like station – like this:

With such a prominent location in the Shoreham village, the Brigade looked at various alternatives. Local architect at the time, Adrian Bonomi, donated his time and, after consultation with the Brigade, created the final elegant design.
After much lobbing within the CFA, the proposed plan was approved on the basis that the CFA would contribute the equivalent cost of the standard “1B” design and that the Brigade would need to fund the balance. The fundraising was undertaken and supported by the community.
The brigade also researched other CFA structures and decided on the larger bi-fold doors which have come into their own as the brigade’s new tanker is considerably higher than previous tankers. A learning from our previous stations paid dividends in 2022!
Modified Original Station (1991 – 2014)

The original building was modified in 1991 to accommodate the Hino tanker – which remained in service until 2022.
Brigade Captain at the time, Bill Kleiss, recalled upon receiving the new Tanker from Dandenong headquarters – that it was too tall to fit in the door. After some discussion within the brigade, it was decided to extend the station to accommodate it.
Shoreham Original Station (1970 – 1991)

Jim Thomas noted this information with the photo:
From Left: Unknown child, Jim Thomas, Glen Cornish, Ron Mc Killop, Hilton Wright, Bill Wainwright, Clive McKenzie, Sid Hitchcock, Jack Wright being presented to CFA Chief Officer Arthur Pitfield. Captain Neale Wright was concealed behind other officers.
The original CFA Station at the current site was opened on the 6th December 1970.
The CFA advised the brigade that it would pay for a basic fire station to be erected – however, the amount provided meant that all work would be done on a voluntary basis (!). The Brigade applied to the Flinders Shire Council to grant a piece of land to the CFA and this was done with a minimium of fuss in 1970.
Plans were then submitted and approved by Council. Working bees were organised to fell the pines on the site and a donated use of a bulldozer cleared the tree stumps. Then, footings were excavated and boxing erected for a concrete floor and Peninsula Concrete donated all the concrete. Work began in earnest with Jim Thomas and Hilton Wright becoming lead bricklayers, Jack Wright made the windows and welded the roof trusses.
In 1974, a dinner dance was held at Buxton Lodge to raise funds from the community to add the kitchen and toilets to the station.
The Early Years

Prior to the fire station being built, families involved in the Shoreham Progress Association were instrumental in the formation of the brigade in 1949. The brigade meetings were held in the old Shoreham School Hall and the early equipment including the early tanker-trailer was housed at the Wright’s sawmill (now Wrights Court off Cliff Road) from 1964 – 1970.