Time-line history of the formation of the Brigade… (to come)

Major Fire Events

Gippsland Fires (courtesy of Scott Thorpe)

The Brigade has participated in some significant fire events that are documented in the links below:

Our Captains

Please click here for our honour roll of Captains – Past and Present.

Our Presidents

For further information on past and present captains, please visit this page.

Other parts of Our History

Our Fire Station

You can read about the history of the Brigade’s fire station here.

Our Equipment

You can read a little about the Brigade’s older vehicles here.

Mike Wilding has written up the history of the Brigade’s communications equipment here.

The Auxiliary

You can read about the history of the Auxiliary on the Auxiliary’s page which presents articles on its formation by Susanne Thomas and 1990-1999 by Vivian Murphy.

Personal Views and Recollections

We also have some interesting and often humorous personal histories – some supplied by family members: