The Shoreham CFA Auxiliary, led by Melody Dolman, has a history of supporting the brigade over the years with food and welfare during fires and, more recently, in assisting with fund raising events like sausage sizzles on election day and organising raffles and food at our Christmas community functions.

How to Join
If you think you’d like to join our Auxiliary, please contact Melody Dolman on 0438 305 798.
Current Members
Current Auxiliary members are:
Melody Dolman
Helen Alcock
Others (to come)
President (2018 – Current)
Secretary (2008 – Current)
President (2007 – 2018)

Formation (by Susanne Thomas)

There had always been an unofficial agreement among the wives of the Shoreham Fire Brigade members to aid the brigade in times of need, but no recognised Auxiliary was formed until 1969.
There has been devastating fires in the Dandenong’s requiring the Peninsula fire brigades leave their areas to help fight the fires and, the captain of the Shoreham Brigade, my father, Neale Wright asked for help to form a committee to help cut sandwiches and provide refreshments to send. It was soon noted that we needed to organise a stable committee to have at the ready for times of need. Thus, the call for an Auxiliary to be formed was put to us.

The first meeting was held at the Shoreham School Hall and, attendance was high. I was elected President of the Auxiliary, Mary Wright, my mother as Secretary and, Millie Register as Treasurer.
We would meet once a month and have a little social activity, as well as a meeting, helping newcomers to the area to get to know each other as well as have some fun.
First of all, we applied to the CFA for membership badges, but were told we weren’t recognised as CFA members, but could buy our own badges etc., so the first lot of money raised bought our identification.
We held our meetings, raising a small amount monthly, through bingo games, no money here, just little tokens to be exchanged as prizes, each member bringing a prize to be won. We decided to pay 50 cents each meeting to cover the cost of afternoon tea etc.
It was decided to host a Christmas party for the local children and, Mr George Jago was approached to become our first Father Christmas. Gifts were provided by the parents, at a maximum of $2 each so that there would be no financial difficulties with larger families; we managed to get a good variety of toys etc.
These were brought to the meetings and distributed to the children on the night of the party. Everyone brought a plate of supper and it proved to be a very enjoyable night, which is still happening to this day. We wrote letters to a few larger businesses asking for donations for the kitchen, and Mrs May Wainwright, who owned the Shoreham General Store, kindly donated some cups and saucers at cost to start us off. Also, several cake stalls were held to raise a bit of money needed to buy an urn, plates and, other kitchen goodies. We were on our way. When the first fire station was built, we proudly established our place in the back of the building and, our meetings began there. Peg Wright, my aunt, donated a table, which doubled as a board table at meetings and also as a supper table cum bingo board. I served a total of sixteen years as President of the Auxiliary, until I left the area in 1985, and my mother Mary Wright continued as Secretary/ Treasurer until ill-health forced her to relinquish her post in 1993.
1990 After a Break (by Vivian Murphy, 1999)
There had been talk in the General Store as to what should happen if the Brigade needed refreshments, while attending a fire or car accident scene for a long period of time. After some rallying around, a meeting was called. On the evening of May 3rd 1990 the Auxiliary was reformed, we had a good response that night with 9 ladies turning up and apologies from another three. Amongst the ladies who came to this meeting was someone special – Mrs Mary Wright, a member of the old Auxiliary. Mary was elected President that evening and was a fantastic person to have at the helm. Her volunteer work for the auxiliary was remarkable. Mary was at every fund raising event with either a helping hand or a huge contribution of goodies to sell.

One fund raising event which began to engulf the fire station was the Trash and Treasure. This annual event was great fun and raised a reasonable amount, but towards the third year was getting a little out of hand with the station starting to look like the Steptoe and Sons establishment!
We had to have a much needed clean up and give the trash and treasure a break for a while.
One memorable evening organised by the Auxiliary was the Indonesian Night held at Shoreham Hall. All those who attended will never forget the wonderful feast that was created by Helen Dormer.
The Auxiliary has been meeting for the past nine years. In that time we have been called upon five times to provide refreshments for the fire fighters. This may not seem a lot but for those people in the fire it is a very important part of the fire brigade.
The Auxiliary meets on an irregular basis, with notices posted at the Post Office and the General Store telling of the meeting. Anyone wishing to attend would be very welcome.